
A summary of Thruster’s core product offerings & key concepts to better understand the documentation.


Thruster’s core product is automated market makers (AMM).

Automated market makers are a form of decentralized exchange (DEX) that give users the ability to make on-chain trades of utility and governance tokens without interfacing with an order book, which are often inefficient and can be manipulated (spoof orders) for longer tail assets and on higher-latency chains.

AMM protocols accomplish this by pricing deposited liquidity against specific preset curves, available at any time of the day.

Due to this automation, traders can easily access liquidity for a broad range of assets while liquidity providers can earn trading fees on positions they deposit permissionlessly into an AMM.

Thruster will support a variety of AMM types, including:

  • Full range: xy=k

  • Concentrated liquidity (CL)

  • Stableswap

Degen First UI & UX

Even for tenured users, the user experience is far from perfect in DeFi.

  1. There is often too much 'noise', with users having to juggle multiple websites & social media sources to discover, then trade and use new protocols; and

  2. Some protocols provide no valuable information about integrations, partners, or protocols otherwise listed on their exchange.

Thruster is built around the idea of solving these problems by improving the UI & UX for builders, traders, and liquidity providers / yield seekers.

As pioneered by protocols like Blur, Thruster will feature both a "lite" and "pro" mode.

The former will resemble existing AMM trading interfaces, but with upgrades, inclusive of:

  • High-level information about supported tokens, including key ‘anti-rug’ facts (mintability of tokens, high-level tax info, admin details)

  • An integrated price chart

  • Social features (Thruster Fleets)

The pro interface will feature all that and more, with:

  • Comprehensive details about a token & relevant links

  • Active order flow

  • Discovery tools allowing degens to find the best new tokens and yield opportunities

  • Leverage integration on Thruster CL pools via partner Particle

With both modes, Thruster contributors focused on improving the on-chain experience exponentially.

This focus on UI and UX will also exist within our interfaces for developers seeking to use our fair launch or liquidity tools. In some cases, we will have to link out to partners.

We welcome feedback on this as our website develops and evolves with the latset market trends.

Blast Native Yield Flywheels

Blast’s biggest unlock and value proposition is the allowance of ETH and USD stablecoins trapped in a bridge to earn yield. Blast accomplishes this by depositing bridged ETH into Lido and USD stablecoins into Maker’s sDAI product.

As shown by Blast, dApp deployers will be able to claim the yield earned on ETH and USD deposited in their contracts. This simple functionality opens up a wealth of opportunities for builders.

For Thruster, yield will be at the core of the product offering, being used to drive native builders to Thruster, deepened liquidity for more efficient trading, and to help bootstrap new token launches to drive utility to Thruster stakeholders.

Last updated