Adding V3 Liquidity

Adding V3 Liquidity on Thruster

  1. Connect Wallet: Connect your wallet to the Thruster interface on the top right-hand corner.

  2. Navigate to Portfolio: Click on the "Portfolio" tab on the Thruster interface to access the liquidity pool section. Click on “Create Position”.

  3. Select Tokens: Choose the tokens you want to add liquidity for.

  4. Set Price Range: Define the price range within which you want to provide liquidity.

  5. Enter Amounts: Enter the amount of each token you wish to contribute to the liquidity pool. The interface will automatically calculate the equivalent value of the other token required for the liquidity pair.

  6. Review Parameters: Review the parameters you've set, including the price range and liquidity amounts.

  7. Approve Token Spending (if required): If it's the first time providing liquidity for a particular token, you may need to approve token spending.

  8. Confirm Transaction: Review the transaction details, including the amount of each token being contributed and the price range. Confirm the transaction through your connected wallet.

  9. Wait for Confirmation: Wait for the transaction to be confirmed on the Blast blockchain. This usually takes a few seconds.

  10. Transaction Complete: Once confirmed, the liquidity will be added to the Thruster V3 pool, and you'll receive liquidity provider (LP) tokens representing your share of the pool.

  11. View LP Position: You can view your LP positions in the “Portfolio” tab on Thruster’s interface. Make sure to always check that your LP positions are in range!